Why Choose Me?

Because I will not judge you…really….I want to support you with HOWEVER you choose to feed your baby. If you want to breastfeed, great! If shortly after you decide - NO THANKS, allllllll set with this - I want to be there for you. If you want to exclusively pump - I got you. If babies make you nervous and you just need a professional and an expert to come teach you how to bottle feed your baby - I will support you and give you the customized plan you deserve. I also look at the big picture…who is in the household, who is helping mom, what support systems are already in place, who does what task? I take the whole big picture into consideration to create my plan. And let me tell you…The dad’s/partners do not get off scotch free, I make a plan for them too ;) .

Becoming a parent - you are bombarded with people from all ends…family..friends...friends of friends..And then there is the fantasy world of instagram. I want to be the trusted source that streamlines your advice and plan that works for YOU and YOUR family. Not your distant Great Aunt giving you recommendations from when she had a baby and what worked for her and her family…

Oh & I am also in the weeds of early parenthood with you, I have the knowledge and experience of an IBCLC but also the real life input as a fellow breastfeeding mother that can relate to you in ways a lot of other lactation consultants can’t.

You deserve a resource like me to be on your side and in your circle.