Sign up for Group Support Offerings Here!

I LOVE hosting mom groups. Whether you’re a new mama or a seasoned one, on maternity leave or back to work - I love being apart of your journey!!!! Join me and some awesome co-hosts for group offerings.

I love collaborating with local birthworkers and planning events for professionals and parens to connect with other local parents and providers. If you want to collaborate - contact me!

Tuesdays at 3:30pm @ Barrel House Z in Weymouth

April 16, April 23, April 30, May 7

Come share your favorite healthy recipes, self-care tips, or ways you create pockets of peace in your mama day. Remember, a happy and healthy mama means a happy and healthy baby!

As moms, we pour so much love and energy into our little ones and running our household for our family, but sometimes it's easy to let our own needs fall by the wayside. So come pour a beer with us @ Barrel House Z in Weymouth & join Alyssa & Christine for a 4 week Nourishing Mama series. Let's focus on nourishing ourselves so we can be our best selves!

Do you want to offer a support group with me?

Contact me here!